So it came to pass that I was craving hamburgers. The problem was, I typically scoff at burgers that aren’t cooked on a grill, and I myself am not fortunate enough to yet possess one of those bad boys. That being said, when I stumbled upon this recipe (and yes I do mean stumbled… it looked too good to be true and I knew I had to give it a try. Absolutely the best decision I made that week.
Ease of Preparation: 2
Taste: 3.5
Feeds: 5-6
Taste: 3.5
Feeds: 5-6
Ohmigosh. These are SO GOOD! I followed the recipe exactly on this one, down to the pickles on top, and they were delicious. I was eating the leftovers of these for the next day or two and L O V I N G I T. Definitely hit the spot on my burger craving.
Changes / Suggestions
Make sure you blot the grease off of these as the directions indicate… wouldn’t want to clog the arteries! Also, it’s important to use the 80/20 ground chuck so the meat stays solid and doesn’t break apart.
Recipe and photo property of: Big Red Kitchen (