
Recent Recipes

Pepperoni Pizza Puffs


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This was one of my Superbowl Party recipes this year. I did a big spread of finger foods and wanted something pizzaish to include in the bunch. These were pretty good, but not awesome. They are super cute, and don’t get me wrong, they’re tasty, but the dough is missing …something. Not quite sure what yet, that will take some experimentation, but something.
Ease of preparation: 1.5
Taste: 0.5
Feeds: 5-6 
Definitely a good snack item, and from what I hear they are very popular with the kiddies. They’re a fun twist on something that’s already delicious, so how could they be bad?
Changes / Suggestions
I heard about, found, and used some itty bitty mini-pepperonis. They didn’t need to be sliced up at all so that was really convenient, and they looked so cute! Also to make these healthier you could use turkey pepperoni. I always think that tastes the same.
Recipe and photo property of: Noble Pig (noblepig.com)


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