
Recent Recipes

Chicken Teriyaki and Garlic Noodles


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This is another recipe that has become one of my signature dishes. It is literally so good that I can eat it for days in a row and not get sick of it. I made this for my very first big dinner party (14 people, woo!) and everyone liked it. It’s technically two separate recipes but they are both great and I always make them together.

Ease of preparation: 4
Taste: 4
Feeds: Pasta feeds at least 6, chicken feeds about 4 in the recipe quantity.
Some of my first real food attempts were asian inspired (I make a mean orange chicken with garlic green beans and white rice) so this was a natural progression for me. Also, something else I like about this recipe is that the teriyaki sauce you cook the chicken in can just be used as a regular sauce for other dishes. I used it as a dipping sauce for some potstickers I made once and it worked great.
Suggestions / Changes
I pretty much follow this recipe verbatim. I think the only think I do differently is that I throw some oil in the water when I cook the pasta to keep it from sticking together so bad, and I also saute the garlic and green onions of the pasta sauce for probably twice as long as the recipe indicates.
Recipe and photo property of: Megan Katauskas (megkat.com/)


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