
Recent Recipes

Motherlode Layered Cookie Bars


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It may come as a surprise, since all of my posts so far have been about regular food, but my kitchen adventures initially started with baking sweets. In honor of that, I thought I would share what has, in a way, become one of my more signature dishes. I gave this one away as a Christmas present three times this past winter, each time to rave reviews.

Here is the recipe:
Ease of preparation: 5
Taste: 4
Feeds: ~12-16 servings, depends on how large you slice the bars
As the picture indicates, this bar is essentially 4 cookies plopped on top of each other and baked together into one sugar-coma inducing crazy bar of awesome. It’s quite complicated to put together, or at least it was for me. Be prepared to spend 2 hours or more actively working and making a big (but fun!) mess. These are well worth the hassle. Best Friend and I had a great time when we were making them (but then, we have a great time whatever we do)!
Changes / Suggestions
I never did the chocolate drizzle on top. I’m sure that it tastes great but by the time I got to that step I was too tired to care! Also, these are sugary enough without that, hah.

Recipe and photo property of The Picky Palate (http://picky-palate.com/)


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