It is a pretty well established fact that I am not a super crazy fan of fish. Unless it is raw or comes in stick form I tend to stay away from it. That said, I am not opposed to cooking it for people who want it themselves.
So, when my mom asked for a dinner of Salmon when I was planning this week's menu I certainly was not afraid to step up to the task.
15 minutes of intense recipe search (I am a highly skilled recipe searcher) later and I had a winner.
Ease of preparation: 2
Taste: 1.5
Feeds: 4
So, I made the salmon and I served it with brown rice. It wasn't even very good brown rice but my parents seemed to like it a lot. I may try to incorporate more of it into what we eat in the future, we'll see. As for the taste rating, since I didn't have any I polled my parents and my sister.
Suggestions / Changes
As per commented suggestions on the recipe site, I reduced the olive oil to 2tbsp and added 1tbsp melted butter. I halved the added salt. I also increased the lemon juice to 3tbsp. I let the fish set in the marinade for about 7-8 hours, but I don't know if that affected the fish positively or negatively. I only cooked it for 35 minutes (the low end of the suggested time) and my mom thought it was a TAD overdone.
The fish, post marinade pre oven.
Recipe property of: "Ladyblade"