Once I was gifted my Fabulous Bag of Basil and had gotten it into my head that I was going to make Delicious Pesto this weekend, I began a hunt for a yummy pesto-based recipe.
Chicken Fettuccine and Pesto Cream Sauce was the grand winner!
This was a pretty good pasta dish. I will definitely be adding it to my base repertoire. Not my most favorite pesto dish I have ever made (see: Spinach Mushroom and Pesto Lasagna) but an absolute keeper and a great meal. Only Little Sister and I were home to try it, but she seemed to enjoy it (plus her typical tablespoon of salt) so it couldn't have been that bad! Hah.
Who dun it? http://www.handletheheat.com/2011/01/chicken-fettuccini-with-pesto-cream.html
Taste: 3
Feeds: 2
How pretty does that look? I love the way herbs look on pasta (or really, food in general). The chicken was super tender and juicy and it was all very flavorful. I did end up adding juuuust a sprinkling of salt, but I think that was because I undersalted the pesto to start with. My favorite part of making this dish was pounding down the chicken! We don't have a meat tenderizer/pounder/thing so I started by trying to use a rolling pin but that was pretty unsuccessful. I ended up literally PUNCHING the chicken flat! It was actually pretty fun.
Suggestions / Changes
I pretty much followed the recipe on this. The only thing that I did differently was that I just mixed it all together in the pot as opposed to putting half the sauce on the pasta, putting some chicken on top and drizzling extra sauce over it all on the plate. Not like I'm running a restaurant or anything! Hah.
Mmmmmm Pesto Cream sauce cooking on the stove! Yummy.
Recipe property of: Tessa of Handle the Heat